Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Beneficial Plants and Insects

Interested in keeping those pests away from your garden organically. Try companion planting. There are certain types of plants that attract beneficial insects. These insects like to eat the "bad bugs".

Holland Angello created an easy to use spreadsheet on beneficial plants, what they repel, and tips about the plants. She also created a "good bugs" spreadsheet with names of the insects, and how they benefit your garden. You can view these spreadsheets by clicking on the highlighted names above. Thank you Holland for the wonderful resources.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

MGGNO Field Trip

Who are the MGGNO, and why would we travel all the way to Uptown to meet them? They are the Master Gardeners of Greater New Orleans, and they have a wealth of knowledge about gardening. They were so polite and patient as Clarissa, Rebecca, and I asked question after question. Now we are armed with knowledge about composting and gardening in this unique climate.

Composting is easy as 1, 2, 3! 

Master Gardener, Bendy, is explaining the details about composting.
We hope to create a system similar to this one for our community garden. 

The beginning stages of the compost pile.
A compost pile in the later stages.
Creating what gardeners call, Black Gold!

In the greenhouse, getting pointers
about starting from seed or cuttings.

Beautiful and healthy seedings!

Touring the organic vegetable and flower gardens.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Field Trip

What a great opportunity for us to meet Master Gardeners! 
I hope you can make it. 
Please RSVP on the Facebook Event Page
so if need be we can pass on information. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Garden Prep Party

Thank you to our garden members who helped prep the garden for spring planting. We created new raised beds, set up our compost area, and added a water source! Your help is very much appreciated.

Great work gardeners! Thank you for spending your Saturday morning in the garden.
(left to right) Rebecca, Clarissa, Kelly, Angel, Michelle, Holland (kneeling).
Missing from the photo are Paula and her son. 

Helping direct the placement of blocks for the new garden beds.

Reusing paper bags underneath the blocks makes for a great (and free) weed barrier.

Clarissa, you are one strong woman! How many wheelbarrow loads did you move?

Adding "greens" to our compost system.

It's time to get serious about gardening!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Garden Work Party!

The weather looks perfect for a garden prep party this weekend; 72 degrees, party cloudy, 8 mph wind, only 10% chance of rain! (Well, that's what it looked like at the time of this post.) We encourgae everyone to join in on the fun, whether you're a member of the Community Garden or not. Please RSVP on our Facebook event page, click here for the link.