Saturday, April 27, 2013

Time to Celebrate

Thanks to the persistence and patience of our President, we have running water on site. A couple of days ago, a member noticed workers digging near our Community Garden. She asked what they were doing. And to her surprise, they told her the Community Garden was getting a water spigot. For all of us, this was a welcomed surprise. Now, we don't have to ask neighbors if we can walk through their backyard to hook up a hose, drag the hose across the street, and fill up the water barrel. Then, fill up a watering can multiple times to water our gardens. The water barrel served its purpose, and helped us get our gardens started. But now we're living in luxury with running water on site. Thank you again, Rebecca, for making it happen.

Oh, the suspense.

The spigot works!
We're in business.

The joy of gardening with running water and a watering wand.
Time for a celebration! We popped open a couple of bottles of Martinelli's and enjoyed  tasty bakery treats.
Getting ready for the toast.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Creating Our Compost

Composting doesn't look pretty in the beginning, but the end result is golden!

How would our community garden benefit from a compost? Composting fruit and vegetable kitchen scraps and brown lawn litter like leaves is a cheap, if not free, way to create a nutrient rich amendment for our gardens. It's the organic alternative to store bought fertilizer. 
We're going to use the knowledge we gained from workshops and site visits to create a composting area in the community garden. Not only do we need your help with the lifting and building aspect. We also want to share with everyone how our compost system works, and what we need to do keep the compost working. We really hope everyone can make it this Friday.

Who: You! Our Community Garden members

What: Creating Our Compost

Location: NAS JRB Community Garden

Date: Friday, April 5th

Time: 1:00pm